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Creating a Simple Web Server


Now that we have FastAPI installed, we are going to create a simple web server on whicn our application shall run using FastAPI.

At this stage, our directory only contains our virtual environment directory env and requirements.txt as shown below as follows:

Current directory structure
└── env
└── requirements.txt

Let's create a file named and populate it with the following code:
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello World!"}

In this code snippet, we perform the following actions:

Creating a FastAPI instance:

We have imported the FastAPI class from the fastapi package. This class serves as the primary entry point for all FastAPI applications. Through it we can get access to various FastAPI features such as routes , middleware, exception handlers and path operations.

We then create an instance of the FastAPI class named app. The main FastAPI instance can be called anything as long as it is a valid Python name.

Creating the FastAPI instance
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

Creating an API Route:

We define our first API route by creating a function named read_root. This function, when accessed, will return a JSON message containing "Hello World!".

Your first API endpoint
async def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello World!"}

The @app decorator associates the function with the HTTP GET method via the get method. We then provide the path (route) of the root path (/). This means that whenever the / route is accessed, the defined message will be returned.

All HTTP methods such as post,put,head,patch, delete, trace and options are all available on the @app decorator.

Running the FastAPI Application:

To run our FastAPI application, we shall use the fastapicommand we introduced in the previous chapter. Open a terminal and execute the following command within the virtual environment:

Running the server with the FastAPI CLI
(env)$ fastapi dev

The fastapi dev command enables us to execute our FastAPI application in development mode. This feature facilitates running our application with auto-reload functionality, ensuring that any modifications we make are automatically applied, restarting the server accordingly. It operates by identifying the FastAPI instance within the specified module or Python package, which in our scenario is, where we have defined the app object. When we initiate our application, it will display the following output.

terminal ouput
INFO     Using path                                                                              
INFO     Resolved absolute path /home/jod35/Documents/fastapi-beyond-CRUD/                         
INFO     Searching for package file structure from directories with files                 
INFO     Importing from /home/jod35/Documents/fastapi-beyond-CRUD                                     

 ╭─ Python package file structure ─╮                                                                  
 │                                 │                                                                  
 │      🐍                 │                                                                  
 │                                 │                                                                  

INFO     Importing module                                                                       
INFO     Found importable FastAPI app                                                                 

 ╭─ Importable FastAPI app ─╮                                                                         
 │                          │                                                                         
 │  from main import app    │                                                                         
 │                          │                                                                         

INFO     Using import string main:app                                                                  

 ╭────────── FastAPI CLI - Development mode ───────────╮                                              
 │                                                     │                                              
 │  Serving at:                  │                                              
 │                                                     │                                              
 │  API docs:               │                                              
 │                                                     │                                              
 │  Running in development mode, for production use:   │                                              
 │                                                     │                                              
 │  fastapi run                                        │                                              
 │                                                     │    

Running the server will make your application available at this web address: http://localhost:8000.

Following these steps means you've successfully created a basic FastAPI application with a greeting endpoint. You've also learned how to start the application using Uvicorn, which helps you develop more easily because it automatically reloads your code when you make changes.

Choosing an API Client

Depending on your choice, you may want to test your application with an Api Client, I will begin with Insomnia which is a simple open source application for testing and development APIs.

In insomnia, we shall create our simple request collection and we shall now see our response of Hello World.

  1. Create a new request collection Creatina request collection

  2. Name the request collection Name of the collection

  3. Create an HTTP request Create an HTTP request

  4. Make a request Make a request

And just like that, you have created your FastAPI application, run it and even made your HTTP request using an HTTP client.

Managing Requests and Responses

There are very many ways that clients can pass request data to a FastAPI API route. These include: - Path Parameters - Query Parameters - Headers e.t.c.

Through such ways, we can obtain data from incoming requests to our APIs.

Parameter type declarations

All parameters in a FastAPI request are requiresd to have a type declaration via type hints. Primitive Python types such (None,int,str,bool,float), container types such as (dict,tuples,dict,set) and some other complex types are all supported.

Additionally FastAPI also allows all types present within Python's typing module. These data types represent common conventions in Python and are utilized for variable type annotations. They facilitate type checking and model validation during compilation. Examples include Optional, List, Dict, Set, Union, Tuple, FrozenSet, Iterable, and Deque.

Path Parameters

All request data supplied in the endpoint URL of a FastAPI API is acquired through a path parameter, thus rendering URLs dynamic. FastAPI adopts curly braces ({}) to denote path parameters when defining a URL. Once enclosed within the braces, FastAPI requires that they be provided as parameters to the route handler functions we establish for those paths.

path parameters
async def greet(username:str):
   return {"message":f"Hello {username}"}

In this example the greet() route handler function will require username which is annotated with str indicating that the username shall be a string. Sending a greetings to the user "jona" shall return the response shown below.

Greetings a User with a username

Just in we make a request to the route without the param, Greeting without a username specified

Query Parameters

These are key-value pairs provided at the end of a URL, indicated by a question mark (?). Just like path parameters, they also take in request data. Whenever we want to provide multiple query parameters, we use the ampersand (&) sign.

Query params
# inside

user_list = [

async def search_for_user(username:str):
   for user in user_list:
    if username in user_list :
        return {"message":f"details for user {username}"}

        return {"message":"User Not Found"}

In this example, we've set up a route for searching users within a simple list. Notice that there are no path parameters specified in the route's URL. Instead, we're passing the username directly to our route handler, search_for_user. In FastAPI, any parameter passed to a route handler, like search_for_user, and is not provided in the path as a path param is treated as a query parameter. Therefore, to access this route, we need to use /search?username=sample_name, where username is the key and sample_name is the value.

Let us save and test the example above. Saecrning for a user who exists returns the needed response.

Searching for a user who doesnot exist

And searching for a user who does not exist returns the following response. Searching a user who does not exist

Optional Parameters

There may also be cases when the API route can operate as needed even in the presence of a path or query param. In this case, we can make the parameters optional when annotating their types in the route handler functions. Forexample, our first example can be modified to the following:

Optional Query Params
from typing import Optional

async def greet(username:Optional[str]="User"):
   return {"message":f"Hello {username}"}

This time, we've made the username path parameter optional. We achieved this by removing it from the route definition. Additionally, we updated the type annotation for the username parameter in the greet route handler function to make it an optional string, with a default value of "User". To accomplish this, we're using the Optional type from Python's typing module.


When we save the example, we shall test it and get the following response. greeting a user with a username as a query param

Note that this time if we do not provide the username, we shall get the default username of "User". greeting with the default value of the username

Request Body

Frequently, clients need to send data to the server for tasks like creating or updating resources through methods like POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, or for various other operations. FastAPI simplifies this process by enabling you to define a Pydantic model to establish the structure of the data being sent. Furthermore, it aids in validating data types using type hints. Let's delve into a straightforward example to illustrate this concept.

Request Body
# inside
from pydantic import BaseModel

# the User model
class UserSchema(BaseModel):
async def create_user(user_data:UserSchema):
   new_user = {
      "username" : user_data.username,


   return {"message":"User Created successfully","user":new_user}

What we have done in the above example is to create a Pydantic model by inheriting Pydantic's BaseModel class. On this class we have defined attributes username and email and also annotated them with the str type.

A simple Pydantic model
class UserSchema(BaseModel):

Following that, have crafted an API route intended to handle a POST request at /create_user. The handler for this route accepts a parameter representing the user_data obtained from the client, with its type annotated as the Pydantic model UserSchema.


Using this user_data, we construct a new_user dictionary and append it to our users list.

   new_user = {
      "username" : user_data.username,


We finally return a response with the newly created new_user dictionary.

   return {"message":"User Created successfully","user":new_user}

Let's test this. If we make the request without providing the request body, we should receive the following response. making request without request body

Please note that we will receive the 422 Unprocessable Entity status code because FastAPI failed to retrieve data from the request body, as it has not been provided.

When we provide the body without the required fields, we will receive the following output. request with missing fields in post data

We will receive the same output, but this time we will be notified that the required fields (email,username) for the data are missing.

Let us now provide valid data.

successful request with valid user data

Supplying valid values for the email and username fields will result in a successful response.


There can indeed be scenarios that necessitate the use of all the features we've discussed. You can have an API route that accepts path, query, and optional parameters, and FastAPI is capable of handling such complexity seamlessly.

Request Headers

During a request-response transaction, the client not only sends parameters to the server but also provides information about the context of the request's origin. This contextual information is crucial as it enables the server to customize the type of response it returns to the client.

Common request headers include: - User-Agent: This string allows network protocol peers to identify the application responsible for the request, the operating system it's running on, or the version of the software being used.

  • Host: This specifies the domain name of the server, and (optionally) the TCP port number on which the server is listening.

  • Accept: Informs the server about the types of data that can be sent back.

  • Accept-Language: This header informs the server about the preferred human language for the response.

  • Accept-Encoding: The encoding algorithm, usually a compression algorithm, that can be used on the resource sent back.

  • Referer: This specifies the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed.

  • Connection: This header controls whether the network connection stays open after the current transaction finishes.

To access such headers, FastAPI provides us with the Header function giving us the ability to get the values of these headers using the exact names but in a snake-case syntax forexample, User-Agent is user_agent, Accept-Encoding is accept_encoding and so on. Let us take a look at a small code example.

Request Headers
# inside
async def get_all_request_headers(
    user_agent: Optional[str] = Header(None),
    accept_encoding: Optional[str] = Header(None),
    referer: Optional[str] = Header(None),
    connection: Optional[str] = Header(None),
    accept_language: Optional[str] = Header(None),
    host: Optional[str] = Header(None),
    request_headers = {}
    request_headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent
    request_headers["Accept-Encoding"] = accept_encoding
    request_headers["Referer"] = referer
    request_headers["Accept-Language"] = accept_language
    request_headers["Connection"] = connection
    request_headers["Host"] = host

    return request_headers
We've started by importing the Header function from FastAPI into our route handler. Each header has been added and designated as an optional string. A default value has been assigned by invoking the Header function with None as a parameter. Using the None argument allows the Header() function to declare the variable optionally, which aligns with best practices.

    user_agent: Optional[str] = Header(None)

we have then created a request_headers dictionary with the names of the headers as keys and the values as what we get by calling the Header function.

Making a request to the /get_headers route shall return the following response depending on how you have made the request. For my case, Response returning headers


In this chapter, we utilized FastAPI to construct a basic web server and delved into different methods of communicating and inputting data. We introduced concepts such as path and query parameters, along with request headers. Moving forward, the next chapter will focus on developing a straightforward CRUD API for managing book resources utilizing an in-memory database.